Sunday, December 16, 2007

I live in the house that sick built

I don't know about you guys, but I can't think of a more perfect way to spend the holidays than to cozy up to a nice warm box of tissues, watch endless hours of daytime television and drown in a sea of your own phlegm. In case you haven't already guess, I am sick. And just to prove that Murphy's law should be permanently changed to Mel's law, the sickness began on my birthday and caused me to miss the last night out with my school chums, the House of Cool Christmas party AND my own birthday buffet extravaganza at Mandarin.
But, enough complaining. I've decided to immortalize my crappy holidays by doing this self portrait. And just so you know, that is EXACTLY how I've looked for the past four days. I had to strategical position myself in order to cover the enormous hole in the crotch of my pajama pants.
Seasons Greetings everybodies!


Robin said...

You've got a hole in your pj pants too?! Man, same! Why don't girls just give them up already and get new ones, lol, it's ridiculous!

Anyways, feel better, there's still the REAL Christmas (party) and New Years (party) to look forward to

Toni Reyna said...

Lovely work here!

Randeep Katari said...

And I know how you feel. Actually, worse.
Uggggh. Death is upon me.

Art of Don Dixon said...

Great blog here!

Martin Wittig said...

Nice Piece:) Feel Better!!--and have a GREAT holiday!

RoB said...

I hope you get well you can keep posting! ^_^

Great blog and an awesome post!


robi pena said...

Hi Mel!

Good your works and very nice your personages:-)!

Tapan Gandhi said...

get well soon, mel!

Evan Bonifacio said...

hehe, funny drawring mel.

feel better soon!

wolfboy said...

Happy Sucky Birthday Mel--if I knew you better I'd buy you new jammies; though I know they wouldn't feel the same...

When you feel better I'd love to trade you a superhero/DC comics drawing--those were wicked cool. Insane. Joker, Black Canary!? Come ON!! Tell me your preference (Plastic Man? Luke Cage?)

Anonymous said...

Man I have that hole too!
Nice portrait and feel better mel!!!

Unknown said...

dude that's awesome. crotchless pants are totally scene. watch as all the hipster kids adopt them come next season.

sucks to be sick =/ i'm sick to, it's not fun. my throat feels how a lawnmower sounds =<

love the blog btw, awesome sauce.



Pete Emslie said...

Mel, just think of your sickness as the primary stage of zombieism. Feel better now? :)


Urban Barbarian said...

I think I have a pair of pajamas like that...!

Nice mood to this one!

Bill Ferguson said...

Great style and you are very beautiful to boot. Great work!

Andre Barnwell said...


thats the way i feel right now t home.

Mel Maduro said...

Thanks for the well wishes everybody! Due to a diet of tea and dayquil I feel much better now :)
And for everyone who's feeling sicky too; stay strong. Don't let those microscopic germs win the war!

Aurora Cascudo Román said...

From another who is in the same ill situation...felices fiestas!!
(merry christmas) I hope we can celebrate!
I like your blog and your drawings, of course.

Joe Karg said...

What a wonderful holiday:) I hope you feel better Mel. I love the muted grays and browns. Perfect colors for the droll holidays.

Anonymous said...

Nice Mel. Thanks for the comment, it touched my heart, but I didn't cry... I just want everyone to know that. Have a great Christmas!

Eduardo Avenir II said...

you missed out on a mandarin buffet bonanza??? Blasphemy! Seriously that sucks, but at least you're feeling better. That just means that your germs are regrouping for another battle in the near future.......Happy Holidays =D

Amanda said...

You got a really cute style 8)

Unknown said...

I am happy to have stumbled across your fantastic blog! Hope you are over your sickness and look forward to your next post!

Marcos Mateu said...

Nice illustration, simple and to the point.
Happy New Year!

Bojana said...

This illustration is adorable ...:)

Nelson Noel Luty said...

Thank Mel.I'love machine of the War 2 and I love of the airplane how the Curtis and MUSTNAG P51-D.And now,I'the mood painting the p-40 curtiss.I'sorry for my bad Inglish.Thank for your Comentsin my blog.Thank Mel!!!You Cant do it draw Machine jajajaj Is very nice,is Great your all Job.!!! Genial