Holy crap in a hat, it has been way too long since my last post and I apologize. School was just way to crazy for my liking, BUT I managed to finish my senior project film, 'A Romance In Graphite', and once I get it on the film fest scene, I will make it available for some web viewing goodness. Although the insanity of school was difficult to bare, it was all worth it in the end because it landed me a super wicked job at House of Cool in Toronto. It is totally awesome there and the people I get to work with are overwhelmingly talented. And now I can put their link on my blog without looking like a totally obsessive fan girl.
Because I started work so shortly after school ended, I haven't had much Mel time, so I haven't managed to generate much original work, but here's a little something I did after I completed my film and before school ended. As you may have guessed by now, I heart dogs.
Heh, nicely done Mel.
Sweeeeetness.. liking the look of the border collie.
congrats on the job at house of cool!!
The house just got cooler
MEL!!!! I've missed your posts so much. Good to have you back.
Haha Your sausage dog is awesome. I love stubby little legs!
I've been in the House of Cool ONCE, and only once. It looked like one heck of a place to work. The exposed bricks in that building make my heart sweat with delight. SO: GOOD JOB.. getting a job there! :D
Nice dogs. Congratulations on the new gig! Send me an e-mail if you're interested in doing a pinup for my new comic Hyperkinetic.
Great stuff Mel! I'm really excited to see your film!
Lol Mel...
I use a blog (rss) reader, and I sit at a computer all day... so it told me the minute you updated your blog.
Perfection. Why are you so good? It annoys me!
These are great! Seems like you've been busy, thats always good! Good luck!!
wonderful dogs, these look like the kind that may "crap in a hat" :)
thanks for the comment.
it's great that you got a job right out of school, thats so cool! your film must have been good! arrrh i wanna see it now, when can i see it? put it up for all to view :)
Just adding to your descriptionf: You draw Real Nice for a living... I just found your blog and I think it;s great.
Melllll! Congratulations on the job! Your film was definitely one of my favorite and probably the sweetest one this year. I awed a lot.
Adorable dogs too <3
NICE, love the dog designs. That Pug is very cute. Congrats on the gig too. Glad to hear it's a good studio. Is it new? In ON too?
Thanks for your comment my friend.. and well.. we all are really busy sometimes.. we will wait your "A Romance In Graphite'" =)
Nice characters!
Thanks for your comment Mel.
The dogs are very nice.
I had worked in cartoons for a ten years and this is a good work.
Congrats! Looks like a fun place. Nice dogs as well. Always enjoy your work.
These dogs remind me of ppl from animation lol. The most obvious one to me is the Vlad looking one. How's house o' cool treatin ya?
hey Mel, thanks for visiting, keep uploading more, I like your characters design, congratulation.
Aweosme Mel! and congratulations!
Amanda and I have thought about applying there for internships, so who knows, maybe we'll be co-workers next year.
Nice Dogs Mel.. But wheres Vida?? She told me she wanted to be in this group shot but you left her out?? LOL Nice post.
nice blog you've got her. like your style. much respect.
Hey Mel,
I updated some stuff... I think you'll like it :)... oh and your stuff looks cool too!
Just kidding, it's da best!
those are brilliant designs! congrats on the gig. man oh man thats oh so cool!
Mel, I specially love the second to the right, I would like to know what he is thinking!
The one that resembles vlad is my favourite.
Alo, hola no sabia que trabajabas en house of cool
debes conocer entonces a lubomir
Ditto what Amanda said - your film was one of my favourites this year too. Simple, yet so delightful.
I'm very happy to hear you got picked up by House of Cool. Here's to the start of a long and successful career! But please drop into Sheridan to say hello to us old farts from time to time, okay Mel? :)
Congratulations for your art! Really good lines, ill be visiting!
These dogs are really cute, I like the first one on the left!
Man, I totally dig your dog designs!
Muy Bueno lo que haces,estan geniales
very Great
Great designs,
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