Holy guacamole, it's been entirely too long since that last time I've posted something. Funny thing is, I've been making the time to generate artwork, just not the time to post it... Heh. I got my many excuses to validate my absence, as usual, BUT this time I promise you they are legit! For starters, I've moved out. Yes, I no longer survive off the sustenance provided by my parents, nor do I live carelessly in a world where my laundry is done for me. No, my friends, I am an adult now, and you know what? ...Being an adult is alotta feckin' work! Bills to pay, dishes to clean, foods to make; it's just one non-stop trip of shit to do. Nevertheless, I DO love being on my own. Even if it means paying a whooping rent check every month. So, besides all the crazy jazz that comes along with moving out, I've managed to muster up the energy to do up this piece of my favorite BPRD agent waiting for a pickup. There might not always be time to make my lunch in the morning, but there's always time for HellBoy.
Oh, and for those of you who were wondering whether or not my film, "A Romance in Graphite", won anything at the Teletoon Animation Scholarship Awards ....I didn't. But, do not fret! I just feel privilege to have been apart of a contest with so many other amazing artists. Also, my friend's Vlad and James won first and second place, so it's all good :)
Thanks for the comps on the art Mel! I must say that the animation you did had me entranced the entire time. Even if it didn't win, it's an excellent portfolio piece, and if you haven't already, you should submit it to film festivals. A+! How long did it take to do?
Dig the HB pic too, you can't go wrong with big red. I have wanted to do a pic of him eating pancakes for ages. You draw him better than I do, so feel free...hint hint.
Thanks again Mel, and I look forward to more of your posts!
sweet hellboy, mel! :)
and congrats on ur newfound independence from the 'rents!
Hey Mel,
Nice stuff as always. Too bad you didn't win, I thought you were a shoe in!
nice work mell. thanks for stop'n by my blog.
He looks quite content, I always knew he loved cherry blossoms!
Great work Mel.
Awesome piece, Mel! Loving those colors, I think I might do a Hellboy.
Congrats for your work, I love it.
This is a sweet Hellboy, I like it! Lovely colors.
Congrats for your moving out and for your adult status - I remember I loved to pay those first bills by myself too:)
Nice and relaxing atmosphere... kind of a zen moment for Hellboy!
Hey Mel,
Sweet pic. can't wait to see more stuff you've done that just needs to be posted.
Wish I had a left over MAURYBOARDING shirt. to give ya. Sorry though. but Awesome film!
Georgeous illustration!
I am sorry you didn´t win, I really liked your animation...sigh!
Thanks for your comment in my blog and welcome to your new independent life, despite everything I think it´s always better!
Nice drawing!
aww sorry it didnt won .. i think it was the cutest story i have ever seen...:) when the second part??
that's a song of a singer that i know "imma big girl now " glad you enjoy mt draws that's the same for me , love yours , and beautiful colors too , kiss from france !!
Thanks for stoppin by my blog! and congrats on moving out! :) This hell boy image is superb!
Thank you for your comments!
Good luck in your life in apartment!
Hellboy is my preferred, and your drawing is great!
hey thanks for the comments nice work here! Hellboy is great isn't he? I've love to do a take on em some time. Nice colour pallete on this pic by the way. Are you working in Toronto?
Excellent! me gusta el estilo, veo que no se complementa con los estilos de abajo, estos tienen una linea previa que delimita la ilustraciĆ³n, saludos
very good!
Whopping rent check? Try paying one here, it may make you cry, I'm not sure. Depending on your sensitivity that day.
Oh, and Nice drawing. I'd say post more, but it's been forever since I have. Glad to hear things are going well.
Hola guapa :-)!!
WOW, very sweet your hellboy ^^!! Is he waiting for a girlfriend ^^? Kisses!
Nice Hellboy!
Aah, the price of freedom ...
But the sheer joy n happiness of being on your own is something tooo sweet...!! makes the dishes and the laundry worth it!! (of course, doing the dishes and the laundry is a joy in itself, but that’s another story :)
Hell boy looks pretty chilled-out.
And in my view, your excellent film is definitely NUMBER 1!!! :o)
I guess they don't realize talent when the see it. Congratulations on your film any way. It is THAT COOL!
You know I have a strong amount of love for this fella! I'd say I'm bias because it's Hellboy, but it's too good! I love it! Prints available?? I think I want to do a Hellboy piece now! Congrads on becoming an adult, I know it's not easy! Except that cooking thing(for me it's fun at least) I pretend to be a DECENT chef, thanks to my Italian grandma! ;)
That is a great BPRD illustration. Hellboy rocks! This would make a great wallpaper for the monitor. Congrats on your new place :D
Great work! I also loved your animation.
Well. you are right, adult life means a lot of work to do, but it is really fun too.. it is great you have always time for hellboy.. I did something for this movie too, I will post it soon.. congratulations to your friend..
Cooooool! Hell boy = Hella-cool. Looking 4 ward to our random street sightings!
Hey Mel, how's up? Nice Helboy homage. How is the HOC?
Nice hellboy drawin!!!
And great film! Its great your optimistic, even though it didnt win...
Welcome to my world, Mel.
Nice colors on this piece, btw. Very sophisticated.
thanks for stop'n by mel. have a good one. looking forward to your next post.
Heya Mel,
Thanks for the note!
All is well down here...we're in cruch..so i'm cranking out footage like crazy...Getting ready for Octoberfest in an hour...there is way too much beer here!
Im coming up to TO over Christmas and new years..i wana see all you guys at some point if you're around.
Talk to ya soon, mmm, beer
firstly, i just watch your film again, and its blow me away... again! i love it. it must have been a dame good bunch of films in that comp to have beaten yours.
i love the hellboy, it's so cool. hellboy looks like he's in a heavenly place :)
Nice colors, nice art as always!
And now you are free to draw at the time you like and listen to the music really high!
I left my father´s house at 17 and it was a great moment!
I´m sure this change is going to affect your art in a good form!
Heya Mel! A fantastic piece of work as always! I loved your short so you won in my eyes...dont know how much that means to ya ;)
congrats on the adult thing , its alot of fun goin back to the "kid state " again later on
Hi Mel!!!
Thanks for the comment!
I am loving the new look of your blogs!
Awesome...as usual...
Nice one indeed!
Muy lindos tu trabajos, Mel!
I have seen your demo reel in your blog, if simply I say that I like it, my words are short.
haha, thanks for the words Mel.
excellent hellboy sketch as usual. the colors for this are no doubt amazing. and the looseness is something to be envied as well.
waitin' for more.
You are soooooooo lucky! I envy you Xp
Beautiful Hellboy. Incredible background.. <3
Un saludo
Nice hellboy ! I really like the colors and the composition
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